
Provide bindings to JS date. (See Date on MDN.) JavaScript stores dates as the number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch, midnight 1 January 1970, UTC.

In these examples, we will be using this date:

let exampleDate = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0)

which is Thu, 29 Nov 1973 21:30:54 GMT. There is no particular significance to this date. The code used to access this date is running in the Europe/Austria time zone with the en_US.utf8 locale.

In all of these functions, month values are in the range 0-11, where January is month zero.


type t


let valueOf: t => float

Returns the primitive value of this date, equivalent to getTime(). (See Date.valueOf on MDN.)

Js.Date.valueOf(exampleDate) == 123456654321.0


let make: unit => t

Returns a date representing the current time. See Date() Constructor on MDN.

let now = Js.Date.make()


let fromFloat: float => t

Returns a date representing the given argument, which is a number of milliseconds since the epoch. See Date() Constructor on MDN.

Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) == exampleDate


let fromString: string => t

Returns a Js.Date.t represented by the given string. The string can be in “IETF-compliant RFC 2822 timestamps, and also strings in a version of ISO8601.” Returns NaN if given an invalid date string. According to the Date() Constructor documentation on MDN, its use is discouraged.

Js.Date.fromString("Thu, 29 Nov 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT") == exampleDate Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T21:30:54.321Z00:00") == exampleDate Js.Date.fromString("Thor, 32 Lok -19 60:70:80 XYZ") // returns NaN


let makeWithYM: (~year: float, ~month: float, unit) => t

Returns a date representing midnight of the first day of the given month and year in the current time zone. Fractional parts of arguments are ignored. See Date() Constructor on MDN.

let november1 = Js.Date.makeWithYM(~year=2020.0, ~month=10.0, ())


let makeWithYMD: (~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, unit) => t

Returns a date representing midnight of the given date of the given month and year in the current time zone. Fractional parts of arguments are ignored. See Date() Constructor on MDN.


let makeWithYMDH: (~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, ~hours: float, unit) => t

Returns a date representing the given date of the given month and year, at zero minutes and zero seconds past the given hours, in the current time zone. Fractional parts of arguments are ignored. See Date() Constructor on MDN. Fractional parts of the arguments are ignored.


let makeWithYMDHM: ( ~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, unit, ) => t

Returns a date representing the given date of the given month and year, at zero seconds past the given time in hours and minutes in the current time zone. Fractional parts of arguments are ignored. See Date() Constructor on MDN.


let makeWithYMDHMS: ( ~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, unit, ) => t

Returns a date representing the given date of the given month and year, at the given time in hours, minutes, and seconds in the current time zone. Fractional parts of arguments are ignored. See Date() Constructor on MDN.

Js.Date.makeWithYMDHMS( ~year=1973.0, ~month=11.0, ~date=29.0, ~hours=21.0, ~minutes=30.0, ~seconds=54.321, (), ) == exampleDate


let utcWithYM: (~year: float, ~month: float, unit) => float

Returns a float representing the number of milliseconds past the epoch for midnight of the first day of the given month and year in UTC. Fractional parts of arguments are ignored. See Date.UTC on MDN.

let november1 = Js.Date.utcWithYM(~year=2020.0, ~month=10.0, ())


let utcWithYMD: (~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, unit) => float

Returns a float representing the number of milliseconds past the epoch for midnight of the given date of the given month and year in UTC. Fractional parts of arguments are ignored. See Date.UTC on MDN.


let utcWithYMDH: (~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, ~hours: float, unit) => float

Returns a float representing the number of milliseconds past the epoch for midnight of the given date of the given month and year, at zero minutes and seconds past the given hours in UTC. Fractional parts of arguments are ignored. See Date.UTC on MDN.


let utcWithYMDHM: ( ~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, unit, ) => float

Returns a float representing the number of milliseconds past the epoch for midnight of the given date of the given month and year, at zero seconds past the given number of minutes past the given hours in UTC. Fractional parts of arguments are ignored. See Date.UTC on MDN.


let utcWithYMDHMS: ( ~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, unit, ) => float

Returns a float representing the number of milliseconds past the epoch for midnight of the given date of the given month and year, at the given time in hours, minutes and seconds in UTC. Fractional parts of arguments are ignored. See Date.UTC on MDN.


let now: unit => float

Returns the current time as number of milliseconds since Unix epoch.


let parse: string => t

Deprecated. Use fromString().


let parseAsFloat: string => float

Returns a float with the number of milliseconds past the epoch represented by the given string. The string can be in “IETF-compliant RFC 2822 timestamps, and also strings in a version of ISO8601.” Returns NaN if given an invalid date string. According to the Date.parse documentation on MDN, its use is discouraged. Returns NaN if passed invalid date string.


let getDate: t => float

Returns the day of the month for its argument. The argument is evaluated in the current time zone. See Date.getDate on MDN.

Js.Date.getDate(exampleDate) == 29.0


let getDay: t => float

Returns the day of the week (0.0-6.0) for its argument, where 0.0 represents Sunday. The argument is evaluated in the current time zone. See Date.getDay on MDN.

Js.Date.getDay(exampleDate) == 4.0


let getFullYear: t => float

Returns the full year (as opposed to the range 0-99) for its argument. The argument is evaluated in the current time zone. See Date.getFullYear on MDN.

Js.Date.getFullYear(exampleDate) == 1973.0


let getHours: t => float

Returns the hours for its argument, evaluated in the current time zone. See Date.getHours on MDN.

Js.Date.getHours(exampleDate) == 22.0 // Vienna is in GMT+01:00


let getMilliseconds: t => float

Returns the number of milliseconds for its argument, evaluated in the current time zone. See Date.getMilliseconds on MDN.

Js.Date.getMilliseconds(exampleDate) == 321.0


let getMinutes: t => float

Returns the number of minutes for its argument, evaluated in the current time zone. See Date.getMinutes on MDN.

Js.Date.getMinutes(exampleDate) == 30.0


let getMonth: t => float

Returns the month (0.0-11.0) for its argument, evaluated in the current time zone. January is month zero. See Date.getMonth on MDN.

Js.Date.getMonth(exampleDate) == 10.0


let getSeconds: t => float

Returns the seconds for its argument, evaluated in the current time zone. See Date.getSeconds on MDN.

Js.Date.getSeconds(exampleDate) == 54.0


let getTime: t => float

Returns the number of milliseconds since Unix epoch, evaluated in UTC. See Date.getTime on MDN.

Js.Date.getTime(exampleDate) == 123456654321.0


let getTimezoneOffset: t => float

Returns the time zone offset in minutes from the current time zone to UTC. See Date.getTimezoneOffset on MDN.

Js.Date.getTimezoneOffset(exampleDate) == -60.0


let getUTCDate: t => float

Returns the day of the month of the argument, evaluated in UTC. See Date.getUTCDate on MDN.

Js.Date.getUTCDate(exampleDate) == 29.0


let getUTCDay: t => float

Returns the day of the week of the argument, evaluated in UTC. The range of the return value is 0.0-6.0, where Sunday is zero. See Date.getUTCDay on MDN.

Js.Date.getUTCDay(exampleDate) == 4.0


let getUTCFullYear: t => float

Returns the full year (as opposed to the range 0-99) for its argument. The argument is evaluated in UTC. See Date.getUTCFullYear on MDN.

Js.Date.getUTCFullYear(exampleDate) == 1973.0


let getUTCHours: t => float

Returns the hours for its argument, evaluated in the current time zone. See Date.getUTCHours on MDN.

Js.Date.getUTCHours(exampleDate) == 21.0


let getUTCMilliseconds: t => float

Returns the number of milliseconds for its argument, evaluated in UTC. See Date.getUTCMilliseconds on MDN.

Js.Date.getUTCMilliseconds(exampleDate) == 321.0


let getUTCMinutes: t => float

Returns the number of minutes for its argument, evaluated in UTC. See Date.getUTCMinutes on MDN.

Js.Date.getUTCMinutes(exampleDate) == 30.0


let getUTCMonth: t => float

Returns the month (0.0-11.0) for its argument, evaluated in UTC. January is month zero. See Date.getUTCMonth on MDN.

Js.Date.getUTCMonth(exampleDate) == 10.0


let getUTCSeconds: t => float

Returns the seconds for its argument, evaluated in UTC. See Date.getUTCSeconds on MDN.

Js.Date.getUTCSeconds(exampleDate) == 54.0


let getYear: t => float

Deprecated. Use getFullYear() instead.


let setDate: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s day of month to the value in the second argument according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setDate on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let twoWeeksBefore = Js.Date.setDate(date1, 15.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-15T21:30:54.321Z00:00") twoWeeksBefore == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setFullYear: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s year to the value in the second argument according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setFullYear on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let nextYear = Js.Date.setFullYear(date1, 1974.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1974-11-15T21:30:54.321Z00:00") nextYear == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setFullYearM: (t, ~year: float, ~month: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s year and month to the values in the labeled arguments according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setFullYear on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let future = Js.Date.setFullYearM(date1, ~year=1974.0, ~month=0.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1974-01-22T21:30:54.321Z00:00") future == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setFullYearMD: (t, ~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s year, month, and day of month to the values in the labeled arguments according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setFullYear on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let future = Js.Date.setFullYearMD(date1, ~year=1974.0, ~month=0.0, ~date=7.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1974-01-07T21:30:54.321Z00:00") future == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setHours: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s hours to the value in the second argument according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setHours on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let nextHour = Js.Date.setHours(date1, 22.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T22:30:54.321Z00:00") nextHour == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setHoursM: (t, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s hours and minutes to the values in the labeled arguments according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setHours on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setHoursM(date1, ~hours=22.0, ~minutes=46.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T22:46:54.321Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setHoursMS: (t, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s hours, minutes, and seconds to the values in the labeled arguments according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setHours on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setHoursMS(date1, ~hours=22.0, ~minutes=46.0, ~seconds=37.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T22:46:37.321Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setHoursMSMs: ( t, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, ~milliseconds: float, unit, ) => float

Sets the given Date’s hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds to the values in the labeled arguments according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setHours on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setHoursMSMs( date1, ~hours=22.0, ~minutes=46.0, ~seconds=37.0, ~milliseconds=494.0, (), ) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T22:46:37.494Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setMilliseconds: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s milliseconds to the value in the second argument according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setMilliseconds on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setMilliseconds(date1, 494.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T21:30:54.494Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setMinutes: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s minutes to the value in the second argument according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setMinutes on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setMinutes(date1, 34.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T21:34:54.494Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setMinutesS: (t, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s minutes and seconds to the values in the labeled arguments according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setMinutes on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setMinutesS(date1, ~minutes=34.0, ~seconds=56.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T21:34:56.494Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setMinutesSMs: (t, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, ~milliseconds: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s minutes, seconds, and milliseconds to the values in the labeled arguments according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setMinutes on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setMinutesSMs( date1, ~minutes=34.0, ~seconds=56.0, ~milliseconds=789.0, (), ) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T21:34:56.789Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setMonth: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s month to the value in the second argument according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setMonth on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setMonth(date1, 11.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-12-29T21:34:56.789Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setMonthD: (t, ~month: float, ~date: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s month and day of month to the values in the labeled arguments according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setMonth on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setMonthD(date1, ~month=11.0, ~date=8.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-12-08T21:34:56.789Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setSeconds: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s seconds to the value in the second argument according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setSeconds on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setSeconds(date1, 56.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-12-29T21:30:56.321Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setSecondsMs: (t, ~seconds: float, ~milliseconds: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s seconds and milliseconds to the values in the labeled arguments according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setSeconds on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setSecondsMs(date1, ~seconds=56.0, ~milliseconds=789.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-12-29T21:30:56.789Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setTime: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s value in terms of milliseconds since the epoch. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setTime on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setTime(date1, 198765432101.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1976-04-19T12:37:12.101Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCDate: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s day of month to the value in the second argument according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCDate on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let twoWeeksBefore = Js.Date.setUTCDate(date1, 15.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-15T21:30:54.321Z00:00") twoWeeksBefore == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCFullYear: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s year to the value in the second argument according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCFullYear on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let nextYear = Js.Date.setUTCFullYear(date1, 1974.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1974-11-15T21:30:54.321Z00:00") nextYear == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCFullYearM: (t, ~year: float, ~month: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s year and month to the values in the labeled arguments according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCFullYear on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let future = Js.Date.setUTCFullYearM(date1, ~year=1974.0, ~month=0.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1974-01-22T21:30:54.321Z00:00") future == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCFullYearMD: (t, ~year: float, ~month: float, ~date: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s year, month, and day of month to the values in the labeled arguments according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCFullYear on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let future = Js.Date.setUTCFullYearMD(date1, ~year=1974.0, ~month=0.0, ~date=7.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1974-01-07T21:30:54.321Z00:00") future == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCHours: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s hours to the value in the second argument according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCHours on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let nextHour = Js.Date.setUTCHours(date1, 22.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T22:30:54.321Z00:00") nextHour == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCHoursM: (t, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s hours and minutes to the values in the labeled arguments according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCHours on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setUTCHoursM(date1, ~hours=22.0, ~minutes=46.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T22:46:54.321Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCHoursMS: (t, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s hours, minutes, and seconds to the values in the labeled arguments according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCHours on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setUTCHoursMS(date1, ~hours=22.0, ~minutes=46.0, ~seconds=37.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T22:46:37.321Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCHoursMSMs: ( t, ~hours: float, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, ~milliseconds: float, unit, ) => float

Sets the given Date’s hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds to the values in the labeled arguments according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCHours on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setUTCHoursMSMs( date1, ~hours=22.0, ~minutes=46.0, ~seconds=37.0, ~milliseconds=494.0, (), ) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T22:46:37.494Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCMilliseconds: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s milliseconds to the value in the second argument according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCMilliseconds on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setUTCMilliseconds(date1, 494.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T21:30:54.494Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCMinutes: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s minutes to the value in the second argument according to the current time zone. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCMinutes on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setUTCMinutes(date1, 34.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T21:34:54.494Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCMinutesS: (t, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s minutes and seconds to the values in the labeled arguments according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCMinutes on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setUTCMinutesS(date1, ~minutes=34.0, ~seconds=56.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T21:34:56.494Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCMinutesSMs: (t, ~minutes: float, ~seconds: float, ~milliseconds: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s minutes, seconds, and milliseconds to the values in the labeled arguments according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCMinutes on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setUTCMinutesSMs( date1, ~minutes=34.0, ~seconds=56.0, ~milliseconds=789.0, (), ) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-11-29T21:34:56.789Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCMonth: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s month to the value in the second argument according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCMonth on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setUTCMonth(date1, 11.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-12-29T21:34:56.789Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCMonthD: (t, ~month: float, ~date: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s month and day of month to the values in the labeled arguments according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCMonth on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setUTCMonthD(date1, ~month=11.0, ~date=8.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-12-08T21:34:56.789Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCSeconds: (t, float) => float

Sets the given Date’s seconds to the value in the second argument according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCSeconds on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setUTCSeconds(date1, 56.0) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-12-29T21:30:56.321Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCSecondsMs: (t, ~seconds: float, ~milliseconds: float, unit) => float

Sets the given Date’s seconds and milliseconds to the values in the labeled arguments according to UTC. Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the updated Date. This function modifies the original Date. See Date.setUTCSeconds on MDN.

let date1 = Js.Date.fromFloat(123456654321.0) // 29 November 1973 21:30:54.321 GMT let futureTime = Js.Date.setUTCSecondsMs(date1, ~seconds=56.0, ~milliseconds=789.0, ()) date1 == Js.Date.fromString("1973-12-29T21:30:56.789Z00:00") futureTime == Js.Date.getTime(date1)


let setUTCTime: (t, float) => float

Same as setTime().


let setYear: (t, float) => float

Deprecated. Use setFullYear() instead.


let toDateString: t => string

Returns the date (day of week, year, month, and day of month) portion of a Date in English. See Date.toDateString on MDN.

Js.Date.toDateString(exampleDate) == "Thu Nov 29 1973"


let toGMTString: t => string

Deprecated. Use toUTCString() instead.


let toISOString: t => string

Returns a simplified version of the ISO 8601 format for the date. See Date.toISOString on MDN.

Js.Date.toISOString(exampleDate) == "1973-11-29T21:30:54.321Z"


let toJSON: t => string

Deprecated. This method is unsafe. It will be changed to return option in a future release. Please use toJSONUnsafe() instead.


let toJSONUnsafe: t => string

Returns a string representation of the given date. See Date.toJSON on MDN.

Js.Date.toJSONUnsafe(exampleDate) == "1973-11-29T21:30:54.321Z"


let toLocaleDateString: t => string

Returns the year, month, and day for the given Date in the current locale format. See Date.toLocaleDateString on MDN.

Js.Date.toLocaleDateString(exampleDate) == "11/29/1973" // for en_US.utf8 Js.Date.toLocaleDateString(exampleDate) == "29.11.73" // for de_DE.utf8


let toLocaleString: t => string

Returns the time and date for the given Date in the current locale format. See Date.toLocaleString on MDN.

Js.Date.toLocaleString(exampleDate) == "11/29/1973, 10:30:54 PM" // for en_US.utf8 Js.Date.toLocaleString(exampleDate) == "29.11.1973, 22:30:54" // for de_DE.utf8


let toLocaleTimeString: t => string

Returns the time of day for the given Date in the current locale format. See Date.toLocaleTimeString on MDN.

Js.Date.toLocaleString(exampleDate) == "10:30:54 PM" // for en_US.utf8 Js.Date.toLocaleString(exampleDate) == "22:30:54" // for de_DE.utf8


let toString: t => string

Returns a string representing the date and time of day for the given Date in the current locale and time zone. See Date.toString on MDN.

Js.Date.toString( exampleDate, ) == "Thu Nov 29 1973 22:30:54 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)"


let toTimeString: t => string

Returns a string representing the time of day for the given Date in the current locale and time zone. See Date.toTimeString on MDN.

Js.Date.toTimeString(exampleDate) == "22:30:54 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)"


let toUTCString: t => string

Returns a string representing the date and time of day for the given Date in the current locale and UTC (GMT time zone). See Date.toUTCString on MDN.

Js.Date.toUTCString(exampleDate) == "Thu, 29 Nov 1973 21:30:54 GMT"